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A day in the life of a cat (1/9)


Peer Ariane

Peer Ariane

Lunedì, 10 Dicembre 2018

Lingua: English


Creative writing

I get up as soon as I hear birds chirping outside, that’s usually around 5am. I will have to catch up on sleep later but right now, I want to know what this new smell is. I’m strolling through the flat on the lookout for something unusual but I haven’t come across anything yet… Does the smell come from that box up there? Jumping on the counter I once more wonder about the clumsiness of humans, but at least I don’t have to go on the hunt for food.


5 Commenti

1 Comment from rossi cat

13/12/2018 13.36

Short but realistic. Good job!

2 Kommentar von Roschatt Hannes

13/12/2018 17.52

Lovely storyline and great descriptions. It would even fit imagine it was my cat :))

3 Comment from Lara B.

13/12/2018 19.19

I love the story and it's like you are really in his thoughts and see the world from the cats perspective.

4 Comment from marlea

13/12/2018 20.08

good job! We think the toughts of the cat are very realistic and interesting.

5 Comment from Jani

17/12/2018 00.18

Nice story with a variety of vocabulary, a bit short but still a fascinating plot!

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