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Symptoms and treatment of cancer (4/8)

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Moritz Prinoth

Montag, 6. Juni 2011


health and deseases


Cancer has not got real symptoms. Therefore it is very difficult to detect and to diagnose.

Each cancer type has different symptoms. For example lung cancer can cause shortness of breath while a brain tumor causes headache. Colon cancer can cause diarrhea. There are many types of treatment which also have various side effects like vomiting and fever.



There are numerous types of treatment of cancer. This is also due to the great number of different types of cancer.

The most popular treatment options are: radiation; chemotherapy and surgery.

All of them have many different side effects.

Surgery, for example, is risky if you have to operate the brain or the organs.

Chemotherapy makes people feel sick. They are vomiting and have diarrhea and fever.

Radiation is another type of treatment which tries to kill cancer cells but you cannot only kill ill cells; also dying human and sane cells die in every radiation therapy. This is a risk and can also be dangerous for people. It can also cause long lasting damages of the tissue.



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