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Ruby Red
Ruby Red
Linzi Glass

Verlag: Penguin
London 2008

Ferne Welten


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Ruby Red

Linzi Glass

Ruby grows up in South Africa during the Apartheid era. Although she enjoys many privileges as a white, English-speaking girl, she isn't free. She cannot choose the friends she likes because it is not accepted in society that Afrikaans people, Blacks or the English-speaking people surround themselves with people from other than their group. Skin colour does not matter to Ruby and her family and they secretly defy racial rules by helping black people. Living under the constant threat that these actions might be discovered, Ruby tries to defend a romance, that is disapproved of...

Ich empfehle dieses Buch, weil ...
... it is a gripping and very educational novel. A must-read for everyone who is interested in this chapter of South African history.


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Buchvorschlag von

Demetz Marika

Demetz Marika (31):
Oberschule ITE "Raetia" in St. Ulrich



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