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Diary of a Whimphy Kid
Jeff Kiney

Verlag: Puffin

Freundschaft & Liebe


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Diary of a Whimphy Kid

Cabin Fever
Jeff Kiney


This book is about a boy named Greg Heffley. He has two brothers named Rodrick and Manny. Greg and his best friend Rupert made a Christmas market. Before school, they pasted the posters on the walls. When it started raining, the whole colour of the posters went down and the walls were full of colour. The next day at the school, the police were in to find out who that was. One day it snore one half a metre. As the snow lard, all the houses were flooded. Suddenly, all the electricity went out in Greg's house. So all the food became scarce. Then one day Rupert came to Greg to bring some cookies, Greg asked him how he would go without power. When he then said that he had electricity, Greg ran immediately into the basement to see what was going on. That's when he saw that all the power switches turned off except that of Manny's room. Manny didn't know any more.


Ich empfehle dieses Buch, weil ...
... because it is very easy to read and it is very lucky

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Dabei seit: 25.10.2018
Zuletzt dabei: 29.05.2019
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Geschrieben am 29.05.2019 - 41172x gelesen

I find your summary is very easy to understand.


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Jakob2D (12):
Mittelschule Mittelschule Ritten in Klobenstein



Your summary (29.05.2019)