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living with vampires
Jeremy Strong

Verlag: Barrington Stoke

Ferne Welten


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living with vampires

Jeremy Strong

This book is about a boy named Kevin. He llives with his parents who are vampires. He is ashamed because he isn't a vampire. Kevin loves a girl named Miranda. She is the most beautiful girl in the school. Once Kevin meets her and offends her by mistake. She goes angry away and he wants to apologize to here therefore. He writes her a letter. His teacher caught him and he is being pillared in front of the whole class. At school end is a prom...and when you want know the end you must read the book! 

Ich empfehle dieses Buch, weil ...
... it's very funny

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  beitrag   frage   einwand   humor


Geschlecht: -
Dabei seit: 25.10.2018
Zuletzt dabei: 29.05.2019
Logins: 6


The Bookreport

Geschrieben am 29.05.2019 - 73350x gelesen

Your Bookreport is very clear and well.


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  beitrag   frage   einwand   humor
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Nadia2D (12):
Mittelschule Ritten in Ritten



The Bookreport (29.05.2019)