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What is AI Art?

AI art refers to artworks created using artificial intelligence. In contrast to the classical process where an artist creates an image with their own hands, here artificial intelligence creates the work. AI art has been a topic for a few years now and is becoming increasingly recognized. Recently, a painting called "Théâtre D’opéra Spatial" garnered significant attention online for winning first place in an art competition.

When AI art is discussed today, it primarily refers to images created on a computer and possibly later printed or brought to canvas. However, artificial intelligence can, in principle, be applied to other art forms such as sculpture, music, or architecture.

AI in Art

“Théâtre D’opéra Spatial” from Jason Allen

How is AI Art Created?

There exist specialized programs that enable the creation of artworks using AI.

One of the most well-known tools is Stable Diffusion, which can produce stunning images. All you need is a brief description of the desired content. These types of tools are also referred to as text-to-image generators. After entering the description, the program generates a variety of possible images created solely by artificial intelligence. Other programs that work similarly include Midjourney, Crayion, and DALL-E 2.

Limitations and Shortcomings of AI

Although intelligent software increasingly resembles the capabilities of human artists, it still lacks awareness of social, emotional, and societal factors – which are central drivers for human creative endeavors. Sociologically speaking, the software is a mix of a blind mirror and a specialist. While its ability to quickly grasp any digitized discipline is impressive, it demonstrates blatant naivety towards anything outside of its programmed target definitions and available data sets. It does not make connections to other areas of life and experience or draw abstractions from them.  


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