Die Stadt ist groß, und schön. Es sind viele Geschäfte dort. Jakob und ich waren bei Saturn einkaufen. Danach sind wir zu Mc Donalds gegangen. Hannes und Ich aßen beide 3 Cheeseburger nachher durften wir noch bis halb fünf shoppen.
La città è grande, e bella. Ci sono molti negozi, io e Giacobbe, siamo andati da Saturno. Dopo di che, abbiamo mangiato da Mc Donalds . Io e Hannes abbiamo mangiato 3 Cheese Burger
The city is big, and beautiful. There are many shops and Jacob, I have been in the Saturn- shop. After that, we had food at the Mc Donalds. Me and Hannes eat both 3 Cheese Burgers there. after that we were allowed to shop until half past5
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