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Stadt (44/102)


Haller Hannes

Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

Zuletzt geändert:
Freitag, 14. Mai 2010


MEPEUS Projekt


Die Stadt ist groß, und schön. Es sind viele Geschäfte dort. Jakob und ich  waren bei Saturn einkaufen. Danach  sind wir zu Mc Donalds  gegangen.  Hannes und Ich  aßen beide 3 Cheeseburger nachher durften wir noch bis halb fünf shoppen.





La città è grande, e bella. Ci sono molti negozi, io e Giacobbe, siamo andati da  Saturno. Dopo di che, abbiamo mangiato da  Mc Donalds . Io e Hannes abbiamo mangiato 3 Cheese Burger                                                                                                                            





The city is big, and beautiful. There are many shops and Jacob, I have been in the Saturn- shop. After that, we had food at the Mc Donalds. Me and Hannes eat both 3 Cheese Burgers there.  after that we were allowed to shop until half past5


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