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Chakalaka and Pap (4/19)

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s. vera

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2019



   Ingredients: chakalaka

•1 onion
•2 carrots
•3 tomatoes
•15 ml curry powder
• ¼ cabbage
•Salt and black pepper
•410g red beans
How to make chakalaka
•1. First we chopped all the vegetables
•2. We threw the vegetables and the curry into the saucepan
•3. Then we added cabbage and we stirred the beans
•4. Then we cooked it for 50 min.
 Ingredients: pap
•500ml water
•480g maize meal
How to make pap
•1.We boiled the water in a saucepan
•2. Then we added the maize meal
•3. We stirred until it combined
•4. Then we cooked it for 45.min (stitrred every now and then)
Alexander, Vera, Claudia, Omar und Martina

2 Commenti

1 Kommentar von Cristina

10/07/2019 13.43

Super, Alexander, Vera, Claudia, Omar and Martina !👍 Everything looks really good! Did you cook it together, Omar? Now I save the recipe and then we do it again at home😉. ok?
by by,Mum 😊

2 Kommentar von Neumair Andrea

10/07/2019 22.28

Ein Kompliment euch allen! Es hat sicher sehr gut geschmeckt! Weiterhin Gutes Gelingen!
Andrea & Alexander

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