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In the life of a cat (3/9)



Lunedì, 10 Dicembre 2018

Ultima modifica:
Lunedì, 8 Giugno 2020

Lingua: English


Creative writing

My human seems to be sleeping quite peacefully. Yesterday she came home from work late and took off her uniform as soon as she was at home. She seemed to be really angry because her boyfriend called off their date. Their relationship is very complicated at the moment, but she knows that has to focus on her job. I lay down next to her; her hand starts moving. Is she trying to play with me? I`ll bite her to point out my love for her. Suddenly she starts screaming. She picks me up and carries me out of her room. Why does she do that? It doesn’t add up; I show her my love and she throws me out of her room.  She stumbles back into her room and I can hear that she nods off immediately.  I´d love to hang out with her but she seems to be too tired. I understand that she blocked me off and I feel guilty that I woke her up, but I just can´t help it, I needed to show her my affection. Abruptly I come up with an idea. I get into her room, climb on her bed and cuddle up to her. She wakes up again and starts petting me. We both fall asleep.



A story by Jani and Hanni❦🐱


5 Commenti

1 Comment from rossi cat

13/12/2018 13.36

Lovely story! I love it ❤️❤️

2 Kommentar von Roschatt Hannes

13/12/2018 18.02

Great story, nice details! The cat knows quite much - she rather could be an alien, turned into a cat, stalking our society to get more information about human existence..

3 Comment from Marie

13/12/2018 19.29

I really like your story! I think it's very realistic and it contains lots of details - Good job :)

4 Comment from marlea

13/12/2018 19.56

Well done! The story is really cute and it is the perfect story for a catlover! It seems to be a very realistic situation.

5 Comment from Peer Ariane

14/12/2018 07.16

Cats can be so comforting when life just becomes too much to handle and in winter they even double as a hot-water bottle. Great story!

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