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Watson and Crick questions (3/6)

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Cuccarollo Ernest

Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010



Which idea was Schroedinger fascinated with ?

Of the application of physics to the study of biology.

What did Schroedinger  propose  in his book?

His suggested investigating genes at the molecular level besides other issues.

What idea was Francis Crick driven by?

Schrödinger’s book triggered Crick to change his career plans from particle physics to biology.

When  did Crick and Watson share the Nobel Prize and which discipline did it refer to?

Crick and Watson shared the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1962.

What idea did he hint at in the book: Life Itself: Its origin and Nature?

He hinted at the possibility that the origin of life might come from another planet.

What did scientists need to understand, although it was largely accepted that the DNA was the molecule of life?

They had to comprehend the structure of the molecule to be sure how it was working.

What kind of analysis did Watson and Crick make on DNA?

They figured that the molecule was made of two chains of nucleotides.

What information did Watson and Crick put together to get the structure of the DNA?

Chargaff’s discoveries about base pairs.

Why is DNA composed of two strands?

Because they separate during cell division.


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