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genetic engineering (1-3/3)

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Gene gun


Reyer Beatrix

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010


genetic engineering

Defintion: A gene gun is a device which is used to inject DNA into the cells by the help of particles (that´s why it´s also called biologistic particle delivery system).

Application: Today it´s an entrenched method to create transgenic organisms. In the majority of cases for plants.


NICE PICTURE of a tomato


Oberhollenzer Petra

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010


genetic engineering

This picture reminds us that the tomato is happy if he remains natural.


thoughts about the text we read last time(TOMATOES)


Oberhollenzer Petra

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010


genetic engineering


We read a text about genetically modified food.

And we bother about the advantages we would have with genetically modified food:

  • They are resistant  to cold
  • They always look perfect even after a long time of transporting
  • The colour changes never
  • They don’t rot quickly
  • They don’t get mould on their skin

But everyone was from the opinion, that nevertheless we would never buy such fruits or vegetables.

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