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Albert Einstein (35/47)

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Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010


new frontiers

Hey, this is the group working on new frontiers.

Do you know Einstein? Of course you do!!=)

Well he was a great scientist and found the equation (e=mc²), which showed how a small piece of mass could produce an unbelievable amount of energy. In his theory of relativity Einstein then demonstrated that not even time, mass or length are constant.

Now something about his life. He was born in Germany and lived in Switzerland for a long time. Later he moved to the USA. There he advised President Roosevelt to develop the atomic bomb. At the age of 76 he died in New Jersey.

He was also famous for being eccentric. For example, he never wore socks, he talked to his cat and couldn´t remember people´s birthdays. Also he found it difficult to write in English.

Coming soon your group: New Frontiers =)=)=)=) <3



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