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WS10 - Cultural experience - let's explore different cultures

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Day 2 (1-2/2)

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Our day 2


Schüler:in WS10

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024


Day 2

Today we learned a traditional dance from the Philippines and some ftraditional festivals from the whole world. We also acted them out.

In the afternoon we made different kinds of pancakes. For example the American flapjacks, the Japanese souffle pancakes and the naan bread from India everything tasted very good.




Day 2


Schüler:in WS10

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024


Day 2

Today we learned the Tinkiling dance from the Philippines and also found out about the festivals from different cultures. In the afternoon we all got into pairs and everybody took a recipe of different types of pancakes to bake/cook. Me and Lisa decided to make the Japanese souffle pancakes. We got all different varieties of pancakes. I loved the cong you bing (savoruy scallion pancakes from China) and the naan (savoury pancakes from India). In the evening we played a big round of Werwolf and almost everyone participated. This day was really interesting for me, because I learned about different festivals and how to bake good, fluffy pancakes. -Lena


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