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Roald Dahl´s

Verlag: Person English Readers



alle bücher


Roald Dahl´s

Matilda is a young girl. She lives with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood and with her brother Michael in a small house. Matilda is a very clever girl. But her parents are very stupid and can´t see that. By the age of five years she goes to school. Her teacher understands quickly, that the girl is a very exspecially person. Mrs. Honey the teacher and the child are very good friends. One day the parents of the girl want to go to Spain. The children doesn´t like the decision and so Matilda moves to her teacher.

Ich empfehle dieses Buch, weil ...
... the book is very interesting.

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Geschlecht: -
Dabei seit: 25.10.2018
Zuletzt dabei: 25.05.2019
Logins: 23


Book comment

Geschrieben am 25.05.2019 - 29905x gelesen

You wrote the story very clearly and i understood the whole summary. 


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  beitrag   frage   einwand   humor
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Buchvorschlag von


Mira2D (12):
Mittelschule MS Ritten in Klobenstein



Book comment (25.05.2019)