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One big chance AI brings to literature is automated writing, making writing faster. AI can also personalize literature based on what readers like, making it more enjoyable for everyone. Additionally, AI helps translate literature quickly, promoting cultural exchange. It also assists authors with research, ensuring accuracy.


Despite the benefits, maintaining authenticity and originality in AI-generated texts is tough. There's concern about job loss for writers due to automation. Ethical issues like copyright and recognizing human and AI authors are also important. Cultural diversity in literature might suffer if AI-generated works all seem similar.

Future of Literature and AI:

AI's integration into literature is inevitable, offering both opportunities and challenges. It's up to authors, publishers, and readers to find the right balance between AI and human creativity. Coexistence between AI and human intelligence can enrich literature in exciting ways. It's exciting to see how this relationship will evolve.  


Artificial Intelligence and Literature: “the Death of the Author"
Abdul Hafeez Haral

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