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Advantages and disadvantages

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By forsaken-art #mce_temp_url#

By SanShow #mce_temp_url#



The advantages are as follows. Robots do not get tired and can always give 110% at their work. This leads to an increased overall productivity. By using robots, companies can have time saving processes. The production can be increased through automation. The flexibility in the production is another advantage. Employees can focus on other, more complex work, while the robots do the more monotonous tasks. 


On the other hand there are also disadvantages in the use of robots. It is really expensive to program robots, therefore companies have to take up lots of time and money. Robots can be dangerous as well. If there was a mistake at programming, it could cause lots of problems. Many people are afraid of the high intelligence of robots, because robots could outsmart us humans and not listen to us anymore.  

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