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Different types of robots

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By Smart Home Prefected 


By Thorsten Sienk 


By Tiguliano #mce_temp_url#



Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR):

An example for an autonomous mobile robot would be a vacuum cleaner. An AMR vacuum cleaner moves around the house and vacuums. On the vacuum cleaner there are sensors which collect information about the surroundings. Of course there are also advanced AMRs, which have 3D cameras that collect information and sensors that analyze it. Another example of AMRs would be the robots in a warehouse that move things from one site to the other. They can avoid collisions and determine the right path to complete their task.


Articulated robots:

Articulated robots are also called robot arms. They can complete certain tasks more efficiently than employees. The robots are fixed on a certain area and are only able to move with their arms, which have rotary joints. Since they are robots they can work a lot without getting tired, which leads to the companies being more successful. 



Cobots are robots that interact with humans directly. They are able to learn human gestures and speeches without having to be trained by an employee. An example for a cobot would be the robots in a restaurant. These robots work directly in contact with humans and serve them their orders. Since buying a robot for a server is really expensive, around 16,000€, not many restaurants own them.


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