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Robot takes the Baton

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In the capital of South Korea, Seoul, there was a concert of a national orchestra. Instead of the conductor leading the musicians, a robot got on stage. The robot known as EveR 6 greeted the audience and began to guide the orchestra through three pieces. Principal conductor Choi Soo-Yeoul was impressed by the robot. He remarked that the robot had detailed movements and followed the tempo perfectly. EveR 6 is programmed to help the musicians and does not use artificial intelligence. The audience did not seem frightened by the robot and reacted approvingly. Even though EveR 6 did great as a conductor, Choi Soo-Yeoul does not believe that robots will take over since they can not listen to music yet. Even though artificial intelligence was not used in the performance, many people saw it as a huge progress and are wondering what robots will be able to do with the power of artificial intelligence.


By Koreanpops  #mce_temp_url#

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