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There are numerous examples of AI-generated music that have been created by various musicians, researchers, and technology companies. Some of these examples include:

  1. AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist): This is an AI-powered composing tool that has been used to create classical music, film scores, and even pop songs. AIVA was created by a Luxembourg-based startup and has already been used to produce music for various commercial projects.

  2. Flow Machines: This is a project led by researchers at Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Paris. Flow Machines uses AI algorithms to analyze existing music and then generate new compositions based on that analysis. The project has already produced an album called "Hello World," which features songs composed using AI-generated melodies and lyrics.

  3. Amper Music: This is a platform that allows users to create their own AI-generated music. Users can input their desired style, mood, and instrumentation, and the software will generate a unique composition that fits those parameters. Amper Music has been used by various musicians and media companies to create original music for commercials, films, and other projects.

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