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CLIL Activities go online! (26/113)

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Lunedì, 25 Marzo 2019


CLIL Unterricht

CLIL stands for content and language integrated learning. It consists in teaching a subject through the medium of a language other than the school language. In CLIL classes learners gain knowledge of the subject while simultaneously using and learning the foreign language. It is important to notice that CONTENT is the first word in CLIL. However, CLIL subject teachers also need to help learners with language, make learners notice it and then use it.


This is where “CLIL ACTIVITIES” come in. Experienced CLIL teachers have come up with 35 activities which help knowledge acquisition and give language support. They are our learners’ favourites and easy to carry out. We hope you and your classes will enjoy them!

Go to and check them out!

Rosmarie de Monte Frick, Projektbegleiterin am Referat Fachdidaktik Englisch der Pädagogischen Abteilung hat dieses Projekt betreut.


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