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The ice holes of St. Oswald

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A cool destination for hot days!

Even before you can see them, you can feel the cold air on your skin. The refreshing coolness of the ice holes is surely already flowing towards you! Ice holes are caves and holes througt which cold air flowers. This special natural phenomenon, where cold air flowers out of the rocks even on the hottest summer days, is like a natural air conditioning system. It is a wonderfully refreshing feeling to suddenly be immersed in a completely different climate in the middle of the forest.

How ice holes develop? Between the rocks and the porphyry blocks, a system of tunnels has developed over time, which causes continous air currents that cool the air along the way. The warmair enters from 0-5 degrees.

This phenomenon allows plants, which normally only grow above 1,200 m a.s.l., to grow in this rocky basin.

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