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Diagnosis support

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Diagnosis Support

AI helps doctors diagnose diseases with greater accuracy and speed. By using machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze medical data, such as X-rays, MRIs, and blood tests, to detect conditions that might be missed by the human eye. For example, in the case of lung cancer, AI systems can scan through thousands of X-ray images to identify early signs of tumors, even those that are very small or hidden. This early detection is crucial because it allows for earlier intervention, which can significantly improve patient outcomes.

Example: Let's say someone goes to the doctor because they feel tired all the time. The doctor can use AI to analyze the patient's medical history, blood tests, and other information. AI might notice a pattern in the data that suggests the person could have a thyroid problem. With this insight, the doctor can order further tests to confirm the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment early, preventing further complications.  

All images and information were created with AI 

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Diagnosis support

Drug development

Therapy recommendations

Ethics and privacy in healthcare AI

Robotics in surgery

Image Recognition

Patient monitoring