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Therapy recommendations

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Therapy recommendations

AI helps doctors decide on the best treatment for each patient. It does this by looking at what has worked well for other people with similar health issues. With AI’s recommendations, doctors can choose treatments that are more likely to work for each individual. This means patients can get personalized care that fits their needs.

Example: A patient with diabetes visits their doctor for advice on managing their condition. The doctor uses AI to review the patient's medical records and compare them with data from thousands of other diabetes cases. Based on this analysis, AI suggests a personalized treatment plan that includes specific medications, dietary changes, and exercise routines tailored to the patient's needs and lifestyle. By following this customized plan, the patient can better control their blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes.  

All images and information were created with AI 

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Diagnosis support

Drug development

Therapy recommendations

Ethics and privacy in healthcare AI

Robotics in surgery

Image Recognition

Patient monitoring