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Patient monitoring 

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Patient monitoring

AI keeps an eye on patients even when doctors aren’t around. It looks for any changes in their health, like a higher heart rate or unusual patterns in their blood. By watching over patients all the time, AI helps doctors catch potential problems early and give patients the right care at the right time.

Example: A patient with a heart condition wears a smartwatch equipped with AI monitoring technology. Throughout the day, the smartwatch continuously tracks the patient's heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs. If the AI detects any abnormalities, such as an irregular heartbeat or a sudden drop in blood pressure, it alerts the patient and their healthcare provider immediately. With this early warning system in place, the patient can receive prompt medical attention, potentially preventing a serious health crisis.  

All images and information were created with AI 

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Diagnosis support

Drug development

Therapy recommendations

Ethics and privacy in healthcare AI

Robotics in surgery

Image Recognition

Patient monitoring