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Image recognition 

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 Image recognition

AI helps doctors understand pictures of the inside of the body, like X-rays and MRIs. It looks for things like broken bones or signs of diseases. With AI’s help, doctors can spot problems in these images faster and more accurately. This means patients can get the right treatment sooner.

Example: A radiologist is reviewing an MRI scan of a patient's brain to look for signs of a tumor. With the assistance of AI, the radiologist's computer highlights areas of concern, such as abnormal growths or areas of restricted blood flow. This helps the radiologist identify potential issues more quickly and accurately than by relying solely on their own observations. As a result, the patient receives a timely diagnosis and can begin treatment sooner, improving their chances of a successful outcome.  

All images and information were created with AI 

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Diagnosis support

Drug development

Therapy recommendations

Ethics and privacy in healthcare AI

Robotics in surgery

Image Recognition

Patient monitoring